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      作者:河北隆康玻璃鋼有限公司 來源:www.android-makassar.com 發(fā)表時間:2018-12-2 瀏覽:次  百度一下

      玻璃鋼纏繞管是一種輕質、高強、耐腐蝕的非金屬管。它是具有樹脂基體重的玻璃纖維按工藝要求逐層纏繞在旋轉的芯模上,并在纖維之間遠距離均勻地鋪上石英砂作為夾砂層。其管壁結構合理先進,能充分發(fā)揮材料的作用,在滿足使用強度的前題下,提高了鋼度,保證了產品的穩(wěn)定性和可靠性。玻璃鋼夾砂以其優(yōu)異的耐化學腐蝕、輕質高強,不結垢,抗震性強,與普通鋼管比較使用壽命長,綜合造價低,安裝快捷,安全可靠等優(yōu)點,被廣大用戶所接受。 The glass fiber reinforced plastic winding pipe is a lightweight, high strength and corrosion resistant nonmetal pipe. It is a glass fiber with a resin based weight, which is intertwined on the rotating core layer by layer according to the technological requirements, and is evenly spread by Kamiishi Eisa as a sand layer in the distance between the fibers. Its tube wall structure is reasonable and advanced, it can give full play to the function of material. It can improve the steel degree and ensure the stability and reliability of the product under the condition of meeting the use strength. It is accepted by many users because of its excellent chemical corrosion resistance, light quality, high strength, no scaling, strong earthquake resistance, long life, low comprehensive cost, fast installation, safe and reliable and so on. 結構特點 Structural characteristics (1) 耐腐蝕性:化學惰性的材質,耐腐蝕性優(yōu)異,并可根據輸送介質選擇不同的耐腐蝕管道。 (1) corrosion resistance: chemically inert material, excellent corrosion resistance, and different corrosion resistant pipes can be selected according to the conveying medium. (2) 機械強度大:耐水壓強度,耐外壓強度和耐沖擊強度均良好并可按要求的壓力設計制造管 (2) mechanical strength: high water pressure resistance, good external pressure resistance and impact strength, and can be designed and manufactured according to the required pressure. 道和管件。 Road and pipe. (3) 溫度適應性強:使用溫度范圍:大于-70攝氏度小于250攝氏度,冰凍介質下管道不裂。 (3) temperature adaptability: use temperature range: greater than -70 degrees Celsius is less than 250 degrees Celsius, under freezing medium pipe is not cracked. (4) 流體阻力小:管道內壁光滑,粗糙系數0.0084,相同流量下.管徑可予縮小。 (4) the fluid resistance is small: the inner wall of the pipe is smooth, the roughness coefficient is 0.0084, and the diameter of the pipe can be reduced under the same flow rate. (5) 重量輕,壽命長:質輕,運輸便利,施工費用低,無須維修,使用壽命長達50年以上。 (5) light weight, long life: light weight, convenient transportation, low construction cost, no maintenance and long service life of more than 50 years. (6) 保持水質:無毒,輸送飲水用水,能保持長期水質衛(wèi)生。 (6) maintain water quality: non-toxic, conveying drinking water and maintaining long-term water quality. 用途 Uses 可廣泛用于石油、化工、制藥、電力、造紙、城市給排水、工廠污水處理,海水淡化、煤氣輸送、礦山等行業(yè),是理想的輸送液體、氣體的管道。 It can be widely used in oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, electric power, papermaking, urban water supply and drainage, factory sewage treatment, seawater desalination, gas transportation, mine and other industries. It is an ideal pipeline for transporting liquid and gas. 主要:(1) 飲用水輸送干線管及配水管 (2) 污水管道、雨水管道 (3) 農業(yè)灌溉用管 Main: (1) drinking water conveyance trunk pipe and distribution pipe (2) sewage pipe, rainwater pipe (3) agricultural irrigation pipe

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